Yesterday I had an eye doctor appointment . Sissy needed to stop at the accountant. So we
made a couple of side trips while we were out. Hit Walmart to pick up the stuff we forgot , hit the accountant and headed to the doctor. Sissy yells 75 % off Mom turn . What .... where?????? It was Rite Aid . See for some reason there are 2 Rite Aids with in a block of each other. Well they decided to close one ( after having them both open for 3 years lol) So hit the brakes made a quick turn and we went inside. The place was pretty picked over but we were able to score some stuff.
2- composition books
1 -bakugan spiral note book reg price
2- packs of Crayola markers
5- light blue poster boards
3- big bottles of rid dye
( purple, scarlet, dark green)
2- small packs of rid dye
( orange)
1 - 5 pack of sharpie markers
1- 2 pack of sharpie click able markers
1- Paper pro nano stapler
2- small bottle brush trees
2- paper mate mechanical pencils
1-Revlon nail polish
1- Sally Henson nail polish
total before sale $ 78.26 after the 75% off $ 19.60
I was giddy lol lol. Sissy made her mama proud. I didn't even see the sign lol. Everything we got we're able to use , some of the stuff like the pencils where split up between the 3 kids. Other things Sissy needed like the nail polish lol lol . The dye ......oh man I'm so happy. Bear has been wanting to tye dye , and it was killing me to think that I had to spend $4.50 a bottle. So we got more dye for alot less. Now I have to find him stuff to dye lol.
Til next time........ Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!
1 month ago