I ended up moving the living room around yet again. I have a problem at least according to the rest of the family : ) I don't know why I do it lol. I was feeling closed in . I needed more room. Short of building another room ( which is something we've been talking about) the only way I could get it was rearranging again. I had a plan yep spent a couple of hours drawing out exactly where everything was going to go. Hahahahahaha not even close lol. Things didn't go as planned but I'm really happy with the way it turned out. And Guess what .......... I'm not done lol. Yep still cleaning , sorting and organizing. And after all of that I still can't figure out where I'm going to put the Christmas tree. Hubby told me not to over do it ha good luck with that. Boy does my body hate me right now. Meanwhile the rest of the house looks like a tactical nuke went off. So looks like today and more than likely most of tomorrow will be spent getting things back together. So good bye to dust bunnies and cobwebs. Time to throw open all the windows and freshen the place up. Maybe I'll play around with some of my knick knacks. Some stuff needs to be put away for the holidays any way.
So that's it for now.... off to clean lol. Til next time have a great day and stay safe.
3 weeks ago
But Kim,
Where are the before and after pictures???
Good point Terri lol. Ok this weekend I'll get them on here.
I changed my loungeroom around recently too. Now I don't know where I'm going to put my Christmas Tree either, but I guess I'll find a spot even if I do have to change the room around AGAIN!! LOL...
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