Our biggest goal this year is to move. Yep it's time. We never meant to stay here this long. We always wanted a bigger piece of property . Some where to have more animals, more space to move around , and a little bit bigger house. A garage, some barns or other out buildings. Space for Hubby to have a man cave
lol lol lol . I'm really not picky as long as it won't fall down around our ears I'm good
lol. This will be my 25
th move .... yep 25. I'm really really good at moving , but I want this to be the last time. So that means we need to start packing , sorting , cleaning out the other house. What a chore that is going to be. I can be really brutal when it come to getting rid of stuff ( packing before the last move I filled a dumpster ) much to Hubby's dismay
lol . He's more of a pack rat than me , not by much
lol but he is :) Our place isn't too bad and most of what we have up here is being used. That means that packing here will be easy
lol .
Other goals ....
Save more money (redo our budget)
Live as green as possible.
Cook , can and bake more. ( use the
crock pot more)
Learn to do new things.
Make and stick to a schedule ( kinda
lol ).
Deep clean each room every month.
alot more.
Make or thrift all of our gifts again this year.
I'm not sure how these are going to play out. I'm still working out the kinks . The other house is the biggest of the lot but I have to make sure that we find a good balance so we don't fall behind with the everyday stuff. Hopefully writing about it here will keep me on track, I'll be able to keep track of how I'm doing. I'll more than likely post about my progress weekly. I'm sure I'll need a kick in the butt every now and than :)
So that's all of them. I guess the our word for this year is Progress. And with that I'm off to make some progress ;). Til next time, have a great day.